Definition of Boho Chic
noun, adjective
bo·ho \ˈbō-hō\
shortening of bohemian
Boho is a fashion trend that is tied to the vintage phenomenon in fashion.
Bohemian style, now referred to as boho chic, has come down through history, reappearing as beatnik style and in the hippie culture of the 1960s. For 200 years, bohemian style has consisted of following fashion elements.
- Loose, flowing clothing made of natural fabrics
- Less restrictive garments worn without corsets, bras or other restrictive elements
- Loose, flowing hair
- Colorful scarves worn at the neck, on the head, or instead of a belt
- Peasant style clothing including tunics, loose trousers, boots, and sandals
- Used or worn clothing
- Oriental elements including robes, kimonos, and the ethnic designs of Persia, India, Turkey, and China
- Mixing historical elements of medieval clothing with ethnic styles
- Layering
- Matching of garments in a nontraditional manner, such as mixing prints, or unusual color combinations
- Multi strands of beads, several bangle bracelets, and the wearing of unusual, hand crafted, or unmatched jewelry
- Large dangle or large hoop earrings
- Broad brimmed hats
- Patched clothing
- Paisley, flowered fabrics, ruffles, lace edged sleeves
- A general disregard for tidiness and uniformity of dress
- A look of contrived dishevelment