The Digital Reality For Me
Setting up a web site and an online store is one of the most time consuming and difficult things I did up to now. Especially since I am trained to do physical tasks with my hands. I am used to get in touch and connect with a lot of people every day.
It’s unbelievable how building this web site/shop threw my psychology. How stagnant I feel because I can’t touch the finished digital products I worked so hard for. And I miss the connection with people I had in my brick and mortar store back in Athens and in every other work I did up to now.
For me, doing things with my hands has always been part of my every day life and it always made me feel good. At times when I felt bad, I always sought out a physical job that would tire my body, but at the same time the physical work would calm my mind.
My Decision For Change
So I decided to focus more on the craft again. From the moment I made that decision, my mind turned on fire! How many beautiful handmade things could I do?
For my son’s baptism 12 years ago, I created all the needed things myself. (I’ll write more about that in a later post.) From the baptism favors to the sweets that we shared with family and friends.
My baptism favors were actually copied by other baptism shops at the time. So I’ll go back to connect to that time and start with Bobonieres. You will find the results of what I put my mind to on here and I hope the result will satisfy me and especially you!
Do you have a similar experience? How do you deal with it? Let us know in the comments below.